corinna rosella

writer, artist & desert witch

corinna rosella is the former host of the rise up! good witch podcast, and current owner of milk thistle apothecary & gallery in yucca valley, ca. between 2020-2022 they taught tarot school for liberation, and have worked with hundreds of tarot clients since 2009. their work as a witch is informed by years of community organizing, studying applied anthropology & leftist theory, and working in harm reduction. corinna is also queer, neurodivergent, a trauma survivor, chronically ill, and perpetually fascinated.

a student of plant energetics, evolutionary and medical astrology, analog photography, transformative justice, desert ecology, and ancestral healing- in 2022 corinna’s work has taken a profound shift away from creating publicly and instead for creating small scale and serving their local community.

for lots of extra content including ezines, videos, pdfs, podcast episodes, plus discounts and “the desert witch diaries”, join the desert witch portal!

webshop & classes available february 2023

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keep in touch with corinna- includes desert witch diaries blog, discounts, flower essence case studies, archived podcasts, ezines & more